pashudhan ikai
पशुधन = LIVESTOCKउदाहरण : विशाखपट्नम गैस रिसाव में पशुधन और पक्षियों सहित बड़ी संख्या में जानवरों की मौत हो गई है।
Usage : A large number of animals including livestock, and birds have died in Visakhapatnam gas leak.
Usage : A large number of animals including livestock, and birds have died in Visakhapatnam gas leak.
(Noun) +40
पशुधन = STOCKउदाहरण : की पशुधन गणना के अनुसार 20 करोड़ 77 लाख 40 हजार मुर्गीपालन पक्षी थे.
Usage : his mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.
Usage : his mother gave him all her stock so that he could start his business well.
(Noun) +3
पशुधन अधिकारी = LIVE STOCK OFFICERउदाहरण : पशुधन अधिकारी को फार्म पर सभी पशुओं के स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण की देखभाल का जिम्मेदारी सौंपी गई है।
Usage : The live stock officer is responsible for overseeing the health and well-being of all the animals on the farm.
Usage : The live stock officer is responsible for overseeing the health and well-being of all the animals on the farm.
(noun) 0
पशुधन विकास सलाहकार = LIVE STOCK DEVELOPMENT ADVISERउदाहरण : पशुधन विकास सलाहकार ने ऊंटों के लिए नई खुराक व्यवस्था को लागू करने की सिफारिश की।
Usage : The live stock development adviser recommended implementing new feeding practices for increased milk production.
Usage : The live stock development adviser recommended implementing new feeding practices for increased milk production.
(noun) 0
पशुधन अनुसंधान केन्द्र = LIVESTOCK RESEARCH STATIONउदाहरण : किसान नए प्रजनन तकनीकों के बारे में जानने के लिए पशुधन अनुसंधान केन्द्र पर जा सकते हैं।
Usage : Farmers can visit the livestock research station to learn about new breeding techniques.
Usage : Farmers can visit the livestock research station to learn about new breeding techniques.
(noun) +1